Several University of North Georgia staff members, including nine from the Gainesville campus, recently completed a 37-hour Supervisor Training Program.
"Since this training program was implemented in June 2015, 27 staff members at UNG have completed this comprehensive course of study," said Ron Graves, training and development specialist and TAP coordinator.
The program consists of 20 hours of online training and 17 hours of classroom training.
Recent graduates from the Gainesville Campus include:
Dovie McEntire
Cathy Georgia
Michael Roth
Lance Hundt
Chris Cooper
Dean Lieburn
Rob Cherveny
Renee Thompson
Donna Hooton
*From the Oconee Campus:
Taylor Ives
Kasi Mize
Janice Balte
Anna Gillespie
Jonathan Barefield
"The most helpful part of the training for me was the session on the online employee evaluation forms," said Dean Lieburn, faculty records coordinator. "Our instructor went through the forms, explained how to use them, and was most patient in answering our questions. I would highly recommend this training for new supervisors and as a refresher course for current supervisors."
The program is currently offered twice a year on the Gainesville, Dahlonega and Oconee campuses. Upcoming trainings will be announced by e-mail and posted on the UNG Notice Board.