Correction published Thursday, March 20:
AccessWDUN has received clarifying information on a fatal ATV accident that was reported on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, AccessWDUN inquired to the Georgia State Patrol about a reported fatal accident that occurred on Tuesday, March 18 in the southern end of the county. Upon that request, the state patrol issued a report regarding a 9-year-old child who had died following an ATV accident.
After publishing the report, AccessWDUN was contacted by the Stephens County Sheriff's Office indicating that that incident did not occur in Stephens County. AccessWDUN then reached out to the Georgia State Patrol, who confirmed that they had inadvertently sent details from the wrong incident. The ATV accident that claimed the life of a 9-year-old child occurred Tuesday afternoon, March 18, in McIntosh County in Coastal Georgia.
GSP officials then sent the correct information regarding a single-vehicle accident that happened in Stephens County on March 18. That information has since been published.
AccessWDUN apologizes for any confusion caused by the report's publication. The original article regarding the McIntosh County ATV crash can be found below, with locations changed to accurately reflect its details:
Original story published Wednesday, March 19:
A 9-year-old boy died after an ATV crash Tuesday evening in McIntosh County
The Georgia State Patrol said a trooper was sent to the scene at around 6:15 p.m. where they learned the boy was driving the 4-wheeler ATV on private property.
The single-vehicle crash occurred on a dirt trail in a wooded area behind the residence.
GSP said the vehicle overturned and came to rest on its wheels on top of the lower torso of the rider.
The boy died of his injuries at the scene.