
Jody Wilson tabbed as new Hall County Tax Office PIO

By AccessWDUN Staff
Posted 9:01AM on Tuesday 4th February 2025 ( 5 days ago )

The Hall County Tax Commissioner will have a new Public Information Officer (PIO) beginning on Monday.

In a release, Commissioner Darla Eden said they have hired former Riverside Preparatory Academy Director of Alumni Engagement Jody Wilson to take over the position on Feb. 10. “The PIO role, funded through fees from tax collections, will enhance education through tools like video, enhanced graphics, and social media, ensuring we keep the public informed on important tax topics and changes such as HB 581 Property Tax Relief and Reform for Georgians,” Eden said. “Mr. Wilson’s expertise in media relations and public outreach will be invaluable in this position.”

Most recently, Wilson Riverside Preparatory Academy for seven years and was dedicated to fostering alumni engagement, streamlining communication, and ensuring the institution’s brand and messaging.

“I’m excited about the opportunity to give back by joining the Office of the Tax Commissioner,” Wilson said. “Hall County has always held a special place in my heart, and I look forward to getting to know the community better while also contributing my skills to further its rise as a leader among Georgia’s communities.”

Wilson, a 2006 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Piedmont University (Piedmont College), holds a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. He also attended the University of North Georgia (Gainesville College).

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