Virginia Munn, a seventh grader at Gainesville Middle School East, won the school district's annual spelling bee on Jan. 24 at the board office on Oak Street.
Gainesville City School Officials said that after 12 rounds of spelling and vocabulary questions, Munn correctly spelled “writhes.”
“The competition was rigorous and students had to juggle nerves in front of an audience while spelling increasingly difficult words,” Michelle Cantrell, Assistant Director of Federal Programs for GCSS said. “Virginia is no stranger to winning spelling bees as this is her third bee win: she’s a fierce competitor.”
Munn has earned a spot in the regional spelling bee held in late February by the Georgia Association of Educators
The GCSS annual spelling bee competitors were winners of their school spelling bees. Those students included Neylan Robertson from Enota, Hailey Moran from Centennial, Jedia Guapo from Gainesville Exploration, Katherine Chacon-Lara from Fair Street, Legacy Witt from New Holland, Aaron Willock from Mundy Mill, and Alex Nguyen from GMS West.