
What? How Do We Get Through the Next 3 Months

By Martha Zoller Host, Morning Talk
Posted 8:00AM on Monday 19th August 2024 ( 6 months ago )

I was asked a question on Fox 5 Atlanta’s “The Georgia Gang” that surprised me.

It was whether I was worried if the election was close, would either side accept it. 

My answer was that we’ve had 10 years of political news in the last few weeks, and I don’t think anyone can say what’s going to happen in the next few months. 

Two things are true and very interesting.

Up until President Biden announced that he was getting out of the race, Democrat insiders had gone from trying to get the president to ditch his running mate and Vice President Kamala Harris a year ago, to the mainstream media writing articles about how hard she was to work for to a coalescing around her as the nominees like I have never seen before.

She’s never held a private job, when she’s off teleprompter it’s ghastly and it’s clear she is planning on having a campaign without any questions from the media or anyone else.

The fact remains, she’s had a good few weeks and the strategy of the Trump campaign needs to change.

Here’s my 2 cents.

He needs to understand that he has his base.

Over the next weeks, he needs to talk issues and no name-calling.

And he should use local radio and TV to make his case.

They will promote the hell out of it and they will do a great job. 

This election is Trump’s to lose.

What will he do?

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