
Football: Habersham Central holds annual padded camp

By AccessWDUN Staff | Video by Seth Chapman
Posted 10:06AM on Friday 28th June 2024 ( 5 months ago )

MT. AIRY, Ga. — The first half of summer workouts is officially in the books for high school football programs around the area. 

They’ll take next week off as part of the Georgia High School Association’s mandatory dead week. 

Three area programs finished off June with a padded camp at Habersham Central this week. 

Habersham Central coach Benji Harrison, who holds the padded camp each summer, said he’s seen some good things from his team but has a long way to go before the season starts in August.

“We’re still trying to figure some things out, but I like our kid's effort a lot,” he said. “I think we've had a good start to the summer. Now, we have to come back out after the break and be ready to go.” 

North Hall coach Sean Pender said his team has gotten stronger this offseason. 

“We’ve also been able to create depth,” he said. “We’re starting to grow in the system, so I’m very pleased with where we are at the midpoint.”

West Hall coach Krofton Montgomery said his team is moving in the right direction. 

”We got some good work in here against quality, well-coached teams,” he said. “I feel like we’re definitely moving in the right direction. We’ve seen a big improvement, but we’ve got to get a couple more kids back healthy. Bull overall, I’m definitely excited about this coming Fall.”

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