The City of Suwanee began the 2024 fiscal year on July 1st with a $17.9 million balanced operating budget.
A release from the city said the budget represents an eight percent increase in operating expenditures as compared to the 2023 amended budget.
The Suwanee operating budget will include:
- 120 full-time and 12 part-time positions, including four new full-time positions.
- A new annuity benefit for city peace officers.
- Capital funding of $442,000, among other items.
The City of Suwanee has approved a budget that assumes the millage rate remains at 4.93 mills, the same rate adopted by the city for the past eleven years.
The millage rate of 4.93 is a rollback millage rate increase of .405 mills, an 8.95 percent increase in property taxes based on market value growth.
The Suwanee City Council is expected to adopt the FY 2024 millage rate at its regular August 22 meeting, but not before the city will hold three public hearings at City Hall on August 10 at 5:30 pm, and August 22 at noon and 6:30 pm.
For a review of the Suwanee city budget plans, click here.