The Hall County Sheriff’s Office said Monday a Gainesville man was identified as the man who was found dead Saturday afternoon in Lake Lanier at Bolding Mill Park.
According to B.J. Williams, public information officer with the agency, Timothy Cline Thomas, 61, was found dead in Lake Lanier at about 12:30 p.m. a short distance from a boat ramp at the park.
Thomas’ family members contacted the sheriff’s office early Saturday morning asking for a welfare check on Thomas. The family members said Thomas had sent them texts threatening to harm himself.
Deputies searched the area near Thomas’ home and found his vehicle at the gate for the park’s boat ramp just before 7:45 a.m.
Personnel with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the sheriff’s office both began a search of the lake, as they believed Thomas could be in the water. His body was located a short time later.
Foul play is not suspected.
Update published at 2:58 p.m. on March 25:
Hall County Sheriff's Office reports they were called to the scene early Saturday morning to investigate a possible drowning near the boat ramp at Bolding Mill Park.
The victim's body was recovered from Lake Lanier just before 12:30 p.m. by the Department of Natural Resources and a diver from the Hall County Dive Team.
The victim's name is currently being withheld as HCSO seeks to notify the family.
Officials say more information will be made available Monday.
Original story published Saturday:
The body of a 61-year-old man was recovered from Lake Lanier on Saturday afternoon.
Details are limited, but the Hall County Sheriff's Office said the recovery was made in the area of Bolding Mill Park.
The park was closed off to visitors at 10:20 a.m. Saturday as the Sheriff's Office and Georgia Department of Natural Resources investigated. It was later revealed to be a recovery effort.
The nature of the man's death has not been revealed. It is unknown if his death was a drowning or accident-related in nature.
The man's name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and is expected to be made public no earlier than Monday.
Bolding Mill Park was re-opened to visitors shortly before 2 p.m.