
Jackson EMC Donates $50K to Food Bank of Northeast Georgia

By AccessWDUN Staff
Posted 10:15AM on Monday 20th February 2023 ( 2 years ago )

The Jackson Electric Membership Corporation recently donated $50,000 to the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia to help fund the organization's facility expansion project, which is expected to open in 2024.

According to a press release from Jackson EMC, the donation will provide for the cold storage units, including freezer and refrigeration, and space in the new expanded facility, increasing their fresh food storage capacity by 84%.

“We applaud Jackson EMC for being not only a reliable and effective electricity provider but, moreover, a leader in philanthropic investment,” Erin Barger, president and CEO of the food bank, said.

The donation was made possible using margin refunds that have been unclaimed by the electric cooperative's members for five years. Legislation passed in 2005 permits Georgia electric cooperatives to make charitable, educational and economic development contributions of unclaimed margin refunds.

“The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia is grateful to Jackson EMC for understanding the power and promise behind the vision of a new food bank, which will increase our overall facility capacity by 65 percent, giving us the opportunity to mobilize millions more meals,” Barger said. 

The release said the food bank works to address hunger and food insecurity in the region by providing consistent access to nourishing food and relevant education.

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