
Lindsay Burton sworn in as Superior Court Judge in Northeastern Judicial Circuit

Posted 1:30PM on Friday 13th January 2023 ( 2 years ago )

Lindsay Burton was sworn in as the Northeastern Judicial Circuit's new Superior Court Judge on Dec. 30, 2022.

A press release from the circuit, which covers Hall and Dawson counties, said retiring Judge C. Andrew Fuller administered the oath of office to Burton after she was introduced by her youngest son, West Burton.

Burton's four-year term officially began on January 1.

Burton was elected to the Superior Court bench in 2022 after serving as a Juvenile Court Judge since 2013. As Chief Juvenile Court Judge, Burton represented the circuit at the Court Improvement Initiative Conferences and served on the Executive Committee for the Council of Juvenile Court Judges. Burton continues to serve on the Justice for Children committee.

Burton previously worked as the Chief Assistant District Attorney in the Northeastern Judicial Circuit's District Attorney's Office. 

"During her thirteen years there, she took on many of the most challenging cases involving juvenile victims of sexual physical abuse, and tried more than one hundred jury trials," the release reads.

Superior Court is Georgia's general jurisdiction trial court, which handles both civil and criminal law actions. Burton will also preside over the circuit's Parental Accountability Court and a portion of the re-entry REACT Court under her new role.

Burton received her undergraduate degree from Penn State University and her Juris Doctorate from Villanova University Law School. She and her husband Bonner Burton have two boys and live in Gainesville.

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