Georgians can begin heading over to the polls for early voting in the upcoming midterm elections.
In-person early voting begins on Monday, Oct. 17, and ends on Friday, Nov. 4.
The polls are typically open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays according to the state of Georgia government website. However, times may vary in each county.
In Hall County, the polls will open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays.
“Monday, Oct., 31 through Friday, Nov. 4, our hours are going to be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.,” Paige Thompson, the Hall County Elections Manager, said.
In Hall County, residents can vote at seven different locations:
North Hall Community Center on 4175 Nopone Road, Gainesville.
East Hall Community Center on 3911 P Davidson Road, Gainesville.
Mulberry Creek Community Center on 4491 JM Turk Road, Flowery Branch.
Chicopee Woods Ag Center on 1855 Calvary Church Road, Gainesville.
Spout Springs Library on 6488 Spout Springs Road, Flowery Branch.
Murrayville Library on 4796 Thompson Bridge Road, Gainesville.
Gainesville Civic Center on 830 Green Street NE, Gainesville.
According to Thompson, voters only need a government-issued photo identification card in order to vote.
Once at the location voters will need to go to a check-in station. This is where voters will present their photo ID for verification. Once they receive their voter access card, voters can proceed to the ballot marking devices and voting machines. After a vote has been placed, the ballot is inserted into a tabulator.
Absentee-by-mail ballets are now also being mailed out. To find information on where you can go to place your early vote, visit your local elections office website.