The Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier has re-opened its playground after being damaged by a fire in July of last year.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held this past Wednesday to celebrate the park reopening.
While the park has been opened since its completion in April, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was postponed due to COVID concerns.
Donations from community members and the Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation helped fund the full replacement cost. Because of the contributions and support from the Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation throughout the process, the new park is dedicated to the foundation and an honorary plaque will soon decorate the playground fence.
Harrison and Patrick Flack, the 9-year-old sons of the BGCL board secretary Callie Flack sold lemonade and cookies to help fund the new playground. The boys raised over $600 through their fundraising efforts. The boys, with assistance from the President of Hall County BGCL Board of Directors Brook Davidson, cut the ribbon to celebrate the reopening.
Other participants in the ceremony included City of Gainesville Fire Chief Jerome Yarborough, Superintendent of Gainesville City School System Dr. Jeremy Williams and Program Officer with the Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Abby Lutzenkirchen.