
Mincey Marble founder, marble innovator dies at 86

Posted 2:09PM on Monday 22nd February 2021 ( 4 years ago )

Kenneth Mincey, who founded Gainesville-based Mincey Marble cast marble company, passed away at the age of 86 Friday.

“Kenneth Mincey was an innovator and the inspiration behind every success that we had,” said Doug Westmoreland, the company’s chief operating officer, in a press release on Mincey's passing. “His vision and leadership will be greatly missed here locally and throughout our industry.”

Mincey, along with his late wife JoAnn and sons Roger and Kevin, opened their cast marble business in 1977. Mincey Marble is now a national leader in manufacturing cast marble bathroom products for the commercial industry, with Mincey's daughter, Donna Mincey, as President and CEO.

“My father meant the world to me, our family and to our company,” said Donna Mincey. “I’m so thankful for his support as a father and a business mentor. He was truly a leader in this industry and has built a legacy that will live on forever.”

Kenneth Mincey was known as an innovator, known for designs such as an integral backsplash and sink bowl in 1966, the first marble whirlpool tub in the 1970s, custom shower pans in the mid-1980s and an integral apron vanity top that is still found extensively in hotel bathrooms.

Graveside services will be held on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at Sawnee View Gardens. Ingram Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.

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