
Jackson County representative introduces bill to abolish Pendergrass

Posted 2:25PM on Tuesday 2nd February 2021 ( 4 years ago )

Georgia House of Representatives District 31 Representative Tommy Benton introduced a bill Monday to the Georgia Legislature that could abolish the Jackson County Town of Pendergrass.

If approved, House Bill 222 would repeal an act creating a charter for the Town of Pendergrass, which was originally approved Dec. 30, 1890. 

Section five of the bill states "all legal rights, privileges, and assets of the City of Pendergrass and all records of such assets shall pass to Jackson County."

Assets that would transfer to Jackson County include all real property assets, all tangible and intangible personal property assets, all accounts receivable and all digital and electronic paper and records of the town.

All ordinances, rules and regulations of Jackson County would apply to the area within the former boundary of the town of Pendergrass if the bill is approved. Jackson County would also be given authority to provide all government services within the former boundary of the town.

Most notably, a special tax and service district would be established to handle any outstanding bonded indebtedness and other obligations from the town. Any bonded indebtedness of the town would become the debt and obligation of this special tax and service district, according to the bill.

For more information on the bill, visit the Georgia General Assembly website.




Georgia House of Representatives District 31 Representative Tommy Benton

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