State Sen. Butch Miller of Gainesville said now is the time to replace Georgia's "antiquated" state income tax with a more equitable consumption - or sales and use - tax.
Miller, who is the President Pro Tempore for the State Senate and a GOP candidate for Lt. Governor, last week announced his intention to file legislation to eliminate the income tax.
"Taxation is theft. Pure and simple. And in the wake of record surpluses, now more than ever, we must figure out a way to be better stewards of taxpayer money and to only tax what is needed and no more,” said Miller in a prepared statement.
Miller's proposed legislation calls for the repeal of the state income tax to take place for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023.
Miller talked Monday, Nov. 22 with Mitch Clarke on WDUN's Newsroom. Click the accompanying audio player to hear more about why Miller wants to make the change in Georgia's taxation law.