The Forsyth County Government is hosting three public input meetings ahead of its comprehensive plan update.
The current comprehensive plan was approved by the county in 2017 and is required to be updated every five years by the state of Georgia.
The first two meetings will be in-person. The first will be on December 8 at the Fowler Park Recreation Center on Carolene Way in Cumming with the second being held at the Central Park Recreation Center on Keith Bridge Road on December 14.
The third meeting will be virtual and will be conducted via Zoom on December 15. All three meetings will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The meetings are part of the county's "Foster Forsyth 2022" planning process ahead of the comprehensive plan update.
"Foster Forsyth establishes a vision for future growth and development in our county, guides land use decisions and helps inform other investments related to growth and development," Forsyth County Planning & Community Development Deputy Director Vanessa Bernstein-Goldman said.
Input can also be offered via a survey on the county's website.