
Gwinnett County Schools move to online learning

Posted 7:19PM on Wednesday 13th January 2021 ( 4 years ago )

Gwinnett County is now joining a host of surrounding areas by announcing that all public schools will be going virtual. Beginning next Tuesday, after the MLK holiday, all learning will be done remotely through Monday, January 25th.

Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks says the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the county resulted in the decision. “The reality is that our school system—like our community and the state— is feeling the results of the holidays and winter break. We are experiencing higher numbers of cases, suspected cases, and close contacts among our in-person students and staff. The move to 100% digital learning for the coming week will allow us to effectively serve students while also doing what is best for our students and staff given the current situation,” he says. He added that the decision was not made lightly but not having sufficient enough staff was part of the issue.

As of Tuesday, Gwinnett County Public Schools had 125 new reports of employees who tested positive, who were in the process of being tested, or who had been in contact with someone who was positive. That brought the district’s new total to staff who were out of school or work to 785, with 460 of those being teachers.

GCPS will offer meal service during this transition to digital learning (Jan. 19-22). Meals will be available for curbside pick-up at schools, and the district will deliver meals along all bus routes countywide during this time. Families should expect buses to run their routes from approximately 10:45 a.m. to noon, beginning at the first stops on the route.

Updates regarding the return to in-person learning on Monday, January 25, will be shared on the district website and through SchoolMessenger messages.

Gwinnett County Public Schools is the largest public school district in the state.

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