
Hall County to use school building for early voting

Posted 4:29PM on Monday 20th April 2020 ( 4 years ago )

GAINESVILLE – Hall County Administrator Jock Connell announced at today’s Hall County Commission work session that voting for the June 9th Statewide General Primary/Presidential Preference Primary Election would take place at Gainesville Elementary School on McEver Road.

“As we began to approach the election,” Connell told commissioners during the meeting streamed live on the county’s website, “one of the things that became clear: this building was not really conducive to social distancing.”

Connell was referring to the Hall County Government Center where election early-voting is normally held.  

“You’ve got to come to a second floor; you’ve got to put people on an elevator; it was hard to string people out,” Connell explained.

“So we got to looking around and we found Gainesville Elementary (School); it worked perfect,” Connell said.  And best of all, Connell added, the Gainesville City School Board and Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Williams were willing to allow its use.

“Jeremy and the Gainesville Board of Education were just so gracious to let us have it, and we’ve talked with the Election Board and all the various stake holders, and we will be holding early voting at Gainesville Elementary.”

“And I think that’s going to work out really, really nice for us and I think it’s going to make it a lot easier for our citizens to vote,” Connell added.

The three weeks of early voting will begin May 18th.  The address of the school is: 1145 McEver Road.

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