
Gainesville forum will try to clear up confusion about marijuana

By AccessWDUN Staff
Posted 3:00PM on Saturday 8th February 2020 ( 5 years ago )

A community forum titled “It’s Just A Little Pot: The Truth About THC, CBD & Pot” will be held Feb. 13 in Gainesville.

 The banquet hall at First Baptist Church will be the setting for the meeting which begins at 6:00  hosted by A Partnership for a Drug-Free Hall.

The forum, which is free, is part of the agency’s Not My Family Series. It will focus on clearing up confusion about marijuana and the long term effects on teens.

A panel discussion will cover "all aspects of marijuana use," according to a news release announcing plans for the forum.

Ginger Kester, a public speaker and consultant with Parker’s Promise, will discuss marijuana as a gateway drug for youth.

Dr. Merrill Norton, a University of Georgia Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Associate Professor, will address CBD, THC and safety concerns in an unmonitored market. He will also address the effects of marijuana on the developing brain.

Hall County Solicitor Stephanie Woodard will speak on the legal consequences of marijuana possession.

Dr. Sanjay Mehta, an interventional pain specialist, will discuss the role of marijuana in chronic pain management and the role of CBD and THC in medical treatment.

Rev. Scott Hearn, Senior Pastor, Gainesville First United Methodist Church, will discuss community involvement.

For more information, contact Center Point’s Director of Prevention Judy Brownell at [email protected] or 770-535-10150, ext. 102.

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