Dawson County was recently awarded an Employee Safety Grant from the ACCG-Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF). The grant is given to Fund members who work to create a culture of workplace safety through training, equipment and services.
The ACCG-GSIWCF Board of Trustees allotted $1.5 million in grant funds over a three-year period, with $500,000 available to eligible Fund members in 2020.
“We are pleased to provide this newly created grant program to assist members in improving their safety efforts,” said ACCG-GSIWCF Board of Trustees Chairman and McDuffie County Commissioner Frederick Favors. “The opportunity to receive the Employee Safety Grant is just one of the many benefits of being a part of ACCG’s member-owned worker’s compensation program.
The ACCG-GSIWCF provides workers’ compensation insurance to several Georgia county governments, having returned more than $90 million in dividends to the membership since 1985. In addition, ACCG provides local governments with retirement programs, civic and community engagement initiatives and other cost-saving programs.
For more information, go to www.accg.org.
