
Wet road blamed for wreck involving Rabun County ambulance

Posted 12:24PM on Friday 3rd January 2020 ( 5 years ago )

The patient escaped injury and the medical crew of a Rabun County ambulance complained of injuries after a wreck in Habersham County Thursday.

Just after 5:20 p.m., a 2017 Rabun County Freightliner ambulance was traveling south on Ga. 15 in the rain, said Cpl. John Getty of Georgia State Patrol Post 7 in Toccoa.

While transporting a 79-year-old Rabun Gap woman to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, the ambulance hydroplaned on the wet roadway, Getty said, causing the 28-year-old female driver from Rabun County EMS to lose control of the vehicle.
The ambulance traveled off the roadway and struck the guardrail with the front bumper, then rotated on the wet and muddy roadside, striking the guardrail with its rear bumper, coming to rest in the median of Ga. 15, Getty said.

A 35-year-old female Rabun County EMS employee was in the rear of the ambulance with the patient, Getty said. She and the driver were transported by Habersham County Emergency Services to be checked out.

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