Gainesville city officials are throwing their support behind a new bill by Congressman Doug Collins to address post office relocation.
Collins said the measure would mean federal postal officials would have to get approval in writing from local governments before relocating any post office. Collins contends the U.S. Postal Service tends to make decisions for a new location without considering community access or city growth patterns.
“In our initial conversation with USPS, their desire was to move the Gainesville Post Office to a location that is convenient to the post office on Green Street. We expect the new facility to be convenient to anyone who has post office boxes or patronizes the existing post office,” Mayor Danny Dunagan said.
The City of Gainesville has long wanted the post office on Green Street relocated, but now that it is moving, the USPS has not included the city in it's relocation efforts.
Collins used the Green Street Post Office as an example when presenting the bill to the House of Representatives.