
Polar Bear Plunge make-up day held on Lanier Saturday

By Joy Holmes Multimedia Journalist
Posted 6:00PM on Saturday 9th February 2019 ( 5 years ago )

The annual Polar Bear Plunge took place on Lake Lanier after the event had to be rescheduled due to dangerously high water levels in January.

The event was hosted by the Lake Lanier Canoe and Kayak Club, and is one of the biggest fundraiser opportunities for the club all year. 

The water levels measured a bit high for February, but at no dangerous risk to the swimmers. 

One benefit of the moved date was the warmer temperature. Although too chilly for a leisurly swim, the surface temperature of the lake read a bit warmer than when the event is held on New Year at a whopping 60 degrees.

Gainesville City Council member George Wangemann kicked off the plunge by being the first to jump, which made for his 19th year at the event. Following Wangemann's lead, several people took the plunge, mostly in pairs or groups.

Swimmers were encouraged to put their best plunge techniques forward by performing tricks, and even wearing costumes. Each swimmer was allowed two jumps into the water before they head inside for a warm shower.

After each participant took their turn into Lanier, a buffet style chili bar was setup for the swimmers and volunteers during an award ceremony which recognized swimmers for titles such as "best jump" or "best costume."


Best Jump: Elizabeth Clauson and Greg Owen

Best Splash: The Parson Family

Best Costume: Tom Diaz AKA The Penguin

Oldest Jumper: George Wangemann

Youngest Jumper: Arianna Jeffery

Most Appreciated Rower (from Lake Lanier Rowing Club): Henry Kannapell

19th Polar Bear in 2019: George Wangemann

Peer Pressure Award (for getting people to jump): Josh Burchardt

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