Members of the Colonel William Candler Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution attended the Georgia State Society Conference last weekend and brought home several awards.
The chapter was awarded first place in the state in several Constitution Week categories, including Constitution Week Proclamations, Preamble, Displays, Television, Emails, Facebook Posts, Tweets/Texts, Outstanding Scrapbook; second place in Articles, Radio and Classroom Visits; and third in Schools Contacted and Events. The chapter said in a press release that Margaret Whalen is the chairman of the Constitution Week committee and she led the effort on Constitution Week activities.
The chapter also took home Platinum for State Honor Roll, Junior Honor Roll and the Hightower School Award. Members of the chapter were recognized for their hard work and dedication in varying aspects of the organization. Chapter member Lynda Holmes was awarded first place in the Literature and Drama contest, where she will continue on to the national contest. Chapter member Helen Martin took first place in the Crafts - Cloth Doll contest, which will also be submitted to the national contest. Martin also took second in Historic Costumes and received a certificate of appreciation in the Oil Painting category.
Emily Foote was recognized as Chapter Outstanding Junior. And, First Lady of Georgia Sandra Deal was honored as Outstanding Chapter Member in Literacy.