A permit application for a sign last seen hanging from a building in Dahlonega has been withdrawn.
The permit in question was filed on behalf of Roberta Green Garrett, following a controversial Ku Klux Klan sign that was displayed on a building she owned.
Dahlonega Mayor Gary McCullough confirmed via email that someone, on behalf of Green-Garrett, picked up the application for a sign permit from city hall Friday.
Green-Garrett allegedly put up - or someone put up on her behalf - a sign reading "Historic Ku Klux Klan Meeting Place" on a building she owned. The sign was removed because a sign permit was not obtained for the sign. Later, Green-Garrett's managed filed on her behalf a permit for a sign on the same building.
The sign inspired a demonstration, not just the day it was up, but following the permit application's filing as well; the sign also led to a boycott of businesses in which Green-Garrett has a stake.