
NE Georgia Medical Center Braselton: National recognition for eco-friendly design

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 7:30AM on Sunday 19th February 2017 ( 7 years ago )

Northeast Georgia Medical Center has won dozens of national awards for how well it cares for patients, but now its hospital in Braselton is also being nationally recognized for how well it cares for the environment.

NGMC Braselton is the first hospital in the state, and among the first 10 in the nation to receive Gold Certification under the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Healthcare Rating System.  LEED certification measures NGMC Braselton’s innovation, water and energy use, sustainability, indoor environment quality, material and resource use and more.

“For all of us at NGMC Braselton, being green means creating a quality experience for patients and visitors, while also operating as efficiently as possible” said Anthony Williamson, president of NGMC Braselton.  “We hope other businesses will be inspired by the sustainable initiatives implemented at NGMC Braselton and will feel empowered to make similar choices that support the health and well-being of those in their facilities.”

Leaders at NGMC Braselton were thoughtful about making a space that would be respectful of the environment, which is in the spirit of the organization’s mission of improving the health of the community in all they do.  Some of the choices made in the effort to be responsible stewards include:

            As a LEED Gold Certified facility, NGMC Braselton is identified by the U.S. Green Building Council as a showcase example of sustainable design and a leader in transforming the building industry. 

            “Market transformation happens one project at a time,” said Shelby Buso, Director of the U.E. Green Building Council – Georgia. “NGMC Braselton understands the value of LEED and has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in reshaping the healthcare sector in Georgia.”

            For more information about NGMC Braselton visit

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