
Hall planning board to consider plans for West Hall subdivision, poultry processing plant

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 9:00AM on Sunday 31st December 2017 ( 7 years ago )

Plans for a 194-home subdivision and a poultry processing plant in the West Hall area are scheduled to go before the Hall County Planning Commission in a couple of weeks.

The subdivision would be located on Stephens Road near Flat Creek Road and the processing plant near Memorial Park Drive and Industrial Drive.

CalAtlantic Group, Inc., is seeking the rezoning of 72.23 acres for the subdivision from Agricultural-Residential III (AR-III), Residential-One (R-1) and (Vacation-Cottage (VC) to PRD (Planned Residential Development).  According to the application on file with the Hall County Planning Department, the subdivision, which would include an "amenity center," would be completed by 2020.  

The poultry plant would be a further processing plant, which would take poultry initially processed elsewhere and further process it. 

Cooley Enterprises, LLC's application says the plant would be used to process ground chicken and/or provide for a deboning line for poultry parts.  The applicant further states that an existing building would be used for the operation with no additional structures planned.  The plant would operate Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and employ 20-50 people.

The county planning commission is expected to consider both of these requests at its Jan. 16 meeting.

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