
Thanksgiving is no time to count calories

Posted 9:53AM on Tuesday 21st November 2017 ( 6 years ago )

I’ve made no secret of my belief that the Christmas season does not officially begin until Santa Claus is spotted in Herald Square at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Thus, until the jolly ol’ elf is spotted on Thanksgiving Day, we shouldn’t start celebrating Christmas.

Frankly, Christmas doesn’t need to begin any sooner. As it is now, Thanksgiving gets trampled in the pre-Christmas rush. Actually, Halloween often gets trampled in the pre-Christmas rush.

I hate that. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s the one time of year I get together with my extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins. This is a good thing. I know some people dread the holiday family gatherings, but my family actually enjoys spending time together.

It’s also the time of year where we stuff ourselves on turkey, dressing, rice, butter beans, turnip greens, sweet potato casserole and all the rest.

This year, of course, I’m torn about the Thanksgiving feast. As you all know, I’ve spent 2017 counting calories, eating healthy and spending an inordinate amount of time sweating in a gym. I’ve learned to eat smaller portions of better foods.

Gorging on all that food isn’t exactly what Chelsea the trainer had in mind when she put together my nutrition plan. So this week, I look online for articles about how to eat healthier on Thursday.

One article suggested that I should use a tablespoon instead of a ladle to create built-in portion control.

I see how that would work on a per-scoop basis. But I'm no idiot. I'll simply scoop more dressing with the tablespoon until I had the same amount as I would using a ladle. I'm not aware that my cousin Sally has instituted a scoop limit on Thanksgiving dinner, and, honestly, I plan on ignoring it if she has.

The article also says I should skip eating the pie crust. But isn't the crust what makes it a pie in the first place?

The funniest of the suggestions, though, is that I should go for a walk after dinner instead of taking a nap. I plan on taking a walk, alright, straight from the table to the couch. There's a reason why the NFL puts such lousy matchups on Thanksgiving Day. It's so you can nap through the games without guilt.

I will promise to do a few things that will save me some calories at dinner. For instance, I'll gladly skip anything that is made with mushrooms.

I'll also skip the Oysters Rockefeller. If the Rockefellers want to eat it, they are welcomed to it. I'll pass.

But that's as far as I intend to go. I always look forward to Thanksgiving; it's my favorite holiday. It's wonderful that my family enjoys spending time together, and I look forward to catching up with everyone.

And I look forward to piling my plate high with all the good food that my family has made. Probably even go back for seconds.

And honestly, it’s actually Chelsea approved. One of the best lessons she’s taught me is that I should indulge occasionally. 

“That’s why you’re working so hard,” she often tells me. So that I can pig out at the tailgate. And at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

So if it’s OK with Chelsea, it’s OK with me

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