TOCCOA — A day after being named interim police chief in Mt. Airy on a temporary, part-time basis, Toccoa Police Chief Tim Jarrell is speaking out about his new role.
"I don’t know the reason for it," Jarrell said. "I just know that I was contacted and asked if I'd be willing to serve as interim chief on a temporary basis during [Police Chief Corey Allen's] absence."
Jarrell is confident he'll be able to perform the new Mt. Airy duties without any detriment to his service to Toccoa.
"I've received permission from my city manager and my council to assist," Jarrell said. "The understanding is that it cannot interfere with my duties with the City of Toccoa, and the mayor and the council of the Town of Mt. Airy have agreed that it will not."
Jarrell said he's also spoken with Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell about ensuring law enforcement coverage for Mt. Airy.
"He and I plan to make sure that the citizens of the town of Mt. Airy are our focus, and to assist them in any way possible," Jarrell said. "The goal is to continue to provide patrol for the community and for the residents, and we're looking to continue that with myself and the part-time officers that are employed."
Asked whether Mt. Airy Municipal Court will interfere with his work schedule in Toccoa, Jarrell said no.
"I've already spoken with the judge," Jarrell said, noting court in the town is held every other month. "The time for court is held after I get off work in Toccoa."
Jarrell stressed that he is not leaving the City of Toccoa for Mt. Airy, nor is he looking for outside employment.
"I want to emphasize that my assistance requested by the Town of Mt. Airy will in no way interfere or conflict with any of my other duties or responsibilities to the City of Toccoa or its citizens," Jarrell said. "This appointment as interim chief is only a temporary, part-time position."
Jarrell said he knows some people are questioning why Mt. Airy leaders would bring in someone from outside for this interim position.
"I am from Mt. Airy," Jarrell said. "Mt. Airy is not a strange town to me. I grew up in Mt. Airy, I have family in Mt. Airy. I grew up in that community and that community raised me until I left and went to Toccoa."
Jarrell is a graduate of Habersham Central High School and has been in law enforcement for more than two decades.
In Mt. Airy, the police chief oversees three part-time police officers, as well as seven full-time and one part-time Georgia Crime Information Center background check employees, according to city officials.
"My focus is to make sure that patrol is covered as it should be, that the administrative duties are handled appropriately, and that all mandatory reporting to the state and federal agencies is done as should be," Jarrell said. "My job is to assist the mayor and the town council with continuing to improve the quality of life for the citizens and the visitors of the town of Mt. Airy. We are in absolute agreement that it will not interfere with my duties at the City of Toccoa."
Following a called meeting Wednesday night, Mt. Airy Mayor Gary Morris announced that the town council placed Allen on administrative leave pending the outcome of a review of his employment. No additional details have been released.