Boar's Head-Corps Alumni Weekend, a first-ever event planned for Sept. 9-11 at the University of North Georgia's (UNG) Dahlonega Campus, aims to connect current and former cadets during a weekend of mentoring and networking.
The weekend includes a variety of events, classes, speakers, socials, recognitions and remembrances that all corps alumni are invited to attend. While the weekend is sponsored by NGCCA, Douglas said alumni do not have to be members of the association to attend.
Boar's Head-Corps Alumni Weekend kicks off the evening of Sept. 9 with guest speaker Kris "Tanto" Paronto, former Army Ranger portrayed in the movie "13 Hours." He has been called the "Hero of Benghazi" for his actions as a member of a six-man security team that responded when terrorists attacked the U.S. State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya. A private security contractor for the past 10 years, Paronto has deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa. An informal social hour will follow his presentation.
On Sept. 10, the day will include networking opportunities for all levels of UNG cadets, whether or not they plan to pursue a military career. Career-based panel discussions are planned for junior and senior cadets who do not plan to commission as a military officer; commissioning cadets can attend military briefings featuring active duty junior officers who have been recently deployed. Freshman and sophomore cadets can attend panels that address topics such as internships and other resume-building opportunities.
Saturday concludes with UNG's annual Distinguished Military Student (DMS) dinner, which recognizes high-achieving senior cadets and their parents. To earn DMS recognition, a cadet must be in the upper half of the academic class at UNG, the upper third of the ROTC class, and the upper third of UNG's Order of Merit List, established by the professor of military science.
Additionally, cadets are selected on the basis of interest and aptitude for military service and outstanding qualities of leadership and initiative as demonstrated by participation and achievement in campus, civic and military activities.
The DMS students also will be recognized in the DMS Review on Sept. 11, which will feature Bob Mathews, president and CEO of Colliers International and an alumnus, as guest speaker.
Other events during the weekend include the 5K Fun Run with the Corps of Cadets on Saturday morning and a picnic lunch with the corps set for Saturday afternoon on the William J. Livsey Drill Field.
Registration is required for all events except Sunday's DMS Review, which is open to the public. For more information, to register or to see who's attending, visit the NGCCA website.