
Cornelia police seeking financial partners for student program

Posted 9:01AM on Wednesday 27th July 2016 ( 8 years ago )

CORNELIA — With the start of school just more than a week away, Cornelia Police Department officials are seeking the public's help in outfitting a specialty vehicle.

For a $50 donation to sponsor the PAL program Hummv, a business or individual can have a company logo or name placed as a partner with Cornelia Police Department.

The Police Assisting Learners (PAL) program was developed by Cornelia Police Chief Chad Smith two years ago as an outreach to students at Cornelia Elementary School.

The department's day shift officers go into the school every week and officers read to students, eat lunch, or play with them.

"This program has let us as a department develop relationships with our school kids in the halls as well as the many that walk to and from school every day," says Maj. Jonathan Roberts. "We are building this vehicle as an outreach tool to help us to continue to connect with our kids."

Money collected will go toward equipping the vehicle with coloring book racks, coloring books and other goodies to help police reach out to the children in Cornelia. 

The vehicle is a retired Army National Guard recruiting vehicle that the department received at no cost. It already features a red, white and blue paint scheme.

Once complete, the vehicle will be displayed at the police department so children and youth can stop by and see it.

Additionally, the PAL Hummv will visit local schools, and participate in parades and other special events. 

For more information, contact Roberts at [email protected].

Cornelia Police Department is seeking donations to help outfit this former military vehicle as an outreach tool for its Police Assisting Learners (PAL) program at Cornelia Elementary School. The vehicle was obtained at no charge, but officials want to add racks for coloring books and educational materials.

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