
62 Gainesville High seniors recognized at Decision Day ceremony

By AccessWDUN staff
Posted 8:11AM on Saturday 14th May 2016 ( 8 years ago )
Gainesville High School hosted the first annual GHS Decision Day ceremony on Friday in the school gym.  
The event, inspired by the NCAA's National Signing Day for athletes, recognized Gainesville High School seniors who plan to attend college. The event coincides with National College Decision Day which is held annually on May 1, the deadline that most high school seniors must inform the college of their choice of their enrollment plans.   
Sixty-two seniors marched into the gym wearing "Decision Day" shirts and were seated at designated areas.  Assistant Principal Adrian Cromwell began the introductions, followed by remarks from Schools Supt. Wanda Creel and a slideshow presentation.  Students were recognized individually in accordance to the college that he or she plans to attend.  The ceremony concluded with the students reciting and "signing" the National College Signing Day Pledge.

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