
Suwanee approves first step of Town Center expansion, massage parlor ordinance

Posted 11:43AM on Wednesday 27th April 2016 ( 8 years ago )

SUWANEE — The Town Center Park in Suwanee could be getting an expansion, as city council members approved the first step of the planning process at their voting session Wednesday night.

"We're tentatively calling it 'Town Center West'," said Marty Allen, city manager, speaking of the approximately 20 acre property that sits adjacent to Main Street, behind the library.

The plan is to put a park in the space, and council members approved the $48,000 contract with Clark Patterson Lee, a constulting firm, to begin master planning the property.

"We anticipate the process will take anywhere between four and six months, and we will have public involvement throughout the process," said Allen.

Council also approved an update to the city's massage parlor ordinance, something Allen previously said was an "indirect" response to an alleged sexual assault at a massage business in the city.

"We updated it. We've had a massage parlor ordinance for many, many years. This is the first time we've updated it in a number of years," said Allen.

The new language makes it so that a massage parlor must remain closed for 12 months if their license is revoked, though Allen said the city hasn't revoked a license in "quite awhile."

"We saw some of our nearby jurisdictions that made some adjustments (to their ordinances) that we thought were valuable, and we incorporated those into ours," said Allen.

Both measures were approved unanimously.


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