BALDWIN — Baldwin Police Department is working to become an agency others can emulate for professionalism.
Recently, Sgt. Charles Webb provided the city council with details of the department's efforts to achieve state certification.
Webb presented the contract for the State of Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program to the mayor and council, highlighting the contract and costs of the program. He also stated that this program has already been budgeted.
Once certification is achieved, it will help with the city's insurance related to police department operations.
In response to a question from Councilman Jeff Parrish, City Attorney David Syfan said there are several advantages to state certification, including raising the level of service offered by the police department, and helping the city get grants to support police activities.
Webb said the department's goal is to be certified by November.
Councilman Joe Elam made a motion to approve the contract for the state certification, which was seconded by Councilman Dustin Mealor. The motion passed unanimously.
Following the meeting, Baldwin Police Chief Chad Nichols spoke of his department's certification efforts.
"I am so proud of this department because two years ago this department was being rebuilt from the ground up," Nichols said. "Just two years in, we are approved to apply for state certification and are moving forward with the application. It is my goal that within three years of the initial restructuring of the department, we will become state certified. That is pretty awesome and a testament to the hardworking men and women of the police department."
The department has eight full-time and two part-time sworn personnel, and four full-time and four part-time civilian personnel.
Baldwin police department covers 4.5 square miles, and serves a population of 3,279 people.