
Hitting the old dusty trail: the Sequel

Posted 5:20PM on Wednesday 10th February 2016 ( 9 years ago )

Spring has not sprung but when it does, the weather will be perking up and it will be perfect weather to go poking around some unusual sites in the area. I posted a list a few months back, but it's changed, because I've gone places and also found some other things to see. So the list grows instead of shrinks. I'd better get on this stuff.

To start off, here are the places I've visited, starting with the most recent:

Huh, that's a lot when I put them in a list... but there's more to see! Here's my current list of place to go, things to do and people to see, in the order I wrote them down on a tiny yellow legal pad, but not the order you'll see them on the blog.

And lastly, there are a few things on my list I'm not sure are there anymore, or seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth, or I might not get any information on, or I know they're gone but I still want to include them. Those are:

And there you have it. My latest, and ever-growing, list of place to go. Have an idea, a place I've missed, or a request from the list above? Shoot me an email or a tweet: @AlysonWDUN

Until next time (maybe later this week, even!)

Stay curious.

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