
University of North Georgia faculty, staff pursue projects aided by presidential awards

By AccessWDUN staff
Posted 9:50AM on Saturday 23rd January 2016 ( 9 years ago )

For the third year, University of North Georgia (UNG) President Bonita C. Jacobs has presented awards totaling nearly $300,000 to faculty and staff to support them in pursuing professional development opportunities and research projects.

"This past year's projects resulted in significant professional development experiences around the globe, research, authored books and presentations to professional organizations," Jacobs said. "The impact on our faculty and staff, and, in turn, on our students, has been incredibly meaningful and has moved us forward in a number of ways."

Dr. Jae Wyatt, assistant director of enrollment services, and Dr. Harrison Davis, associate professor of counseling, will use their award to provide National Coalition Building Institute workshops. The workshops, titled "Welcoming Diversity Leadership," will give enrollment management staff and student assistants training in diversity relations for their work with each other and UNG students.

"We want participants to be able to demonstrate a greater level of cultural competence when communicating with students, staff, and others from diverse backgrounds," Wyatt said. "This includes forming successful partnerships with others and identifying group identities while building effective relationships within and across those identities."


Dr. Carly Redding, assistant professor of human services, wants to use her award to positively impact pre-K education in Goa, India with emotional and instructional support for at-risk children.

"This award will allow me the opportunity to take an expert in pre-K special needs with me to India," Redding said. "I hope to provide training opportunities for the local teachers in Birla as well as the director of the local school while we are there this upcoming summer. Desired outcomes include a more orderly structure and predictability in the classroom, more interactions between children, emotional literacy in the classroom, and teacher awareness of concepts such as positive reinforcement and validation. These educational and preventive components appear to be a vital need in this rural area."

In all, 43 presidential awards were presented this academic year and were awarded under three different headings.

Presidential Semester Scholar Awards provide for a full semester release from teaching and service plus funding support of up to $12,000 each to tenured or tenure track faculty members with a minimum of three years employment at UNG. This year's recipients are:

Presidential Summer Scholar Awards provide up to $10,000 each to tenured or tenure-track faculty members to support them in focused and meaningful research, or scholarship and creative activities during summer 2016. This year's recipients are:

Presidential Innovation Awards provide up to $5,000 each for full-time faculty and staff members for interdisciplinary and/or cross functional collaborations among colleagues or individual pursuits focused on innovations and partnerships to promote implementation of best practice models.

Redding (top, seated) visits a school in Birla. (Courtesy UNG)

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