
Fees rise at USACE managed parks on Lake Lanier

Posted 12:00PM on Saturday 2nd January 2016 ( 9 years ago )

LAKE LANIER – Effective with the new year comes an increase in fees to use boat launches and swimming beaches on Lake Lanier managed by the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers.

Last month, the Mobile, Alabama, office of the USACE announced on its website the need to raise user fees to “ensure USACE fees remain comparable and fair to those charged by other local providers for similar facilities and services.”

Corp officials cited the fact that rates had not changed since 2002.

According to the announcement the news fees effective January 1st are as follows:

·       Minimum day use fee of $5 will be charged per private non-commercial vehicle

·       Minimum day use fee of $2 per adult for walk-in or bike-in

·       Minimum day use fee of $20 will be charged per bus or commercial vehicle

·       Children under the age of 16 are not charged a day use fee

These fees apply only to USACE managed facilities and do not include parks under lease or contract with various municipalities or agencies, such as:  Mary Alice Park, operated by the City of Cumming;  Laurel, Clarks Bridge and River Forks Parks, operated by Hall County ; War Hill Park, operated by Dawson County; Big Creek and Shoal Creek Parks, operated by Lake Lanier Islands; Charleston, Young Deer and Shady Grove Parks, operated by Forsyth County; and Holly, Longwood and Lanier Point Parks, operated by the City of Gainesville.

Rates charges at those venues are set by the managing agency.

The Corp also said in their announcement that the charge for an annual pass would increase from $30 to $40.

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