Despite scattered showers and cloudy skies in the region on Saturday, residents and visitors turned out in full force for festivals, special events and activities across the north Georgia area.
AccessWDUN reporters Rob Moore, David Cook and Dean Dyer (WRWH) scouted the area for us. Enjoy their photos from autumn activities on September 26!

Chicago's Pizza serves up food during the sixth-annual Taste of Clarkesville.

The Clarkesville Business and Community Association sponsors the annual Taste of Clarkesville with the City of Clarkesville and Clarkesville MainStreet.

Despite gloomy skies, people turned out to sample local food, beer and wine during the sixth-annual Taste of Clarkesville.

Fall décor surrounds the Crossroads Café booth during the sixth-annual Taste of Clarkesville.

People of all ages turn out for the annual Taste of Clarkesville.

DLite Donuts, one of Clarkesville's three newest food businesses, serves up pastries during the sixth-annual Taste of Clarkesville.

Mat and Ben Fried entertain during the sixth-annual Taste of Clarkesville.

Gray Fox Farm in Cleveland participated in the Agri-Fest Country Market in Cleveland.

Fall is in the air and visitors to the annual Agri-Fest Country Market in Cleveland had a chance to purchase a pumpkin.

Cloudy skies and a light mist cut down the crowd at the annual Agri-Fest Country Market and Pottery Comes to Town, sponsored by the White County Chamber of Commerce and White County Historical Society.

Freedom Park in Cleveland was the venue for the annual Agri-Fest Country Market.

Pottery Comes to Town is the annual companion to the Agri-Fest Country Market in Cleveland.

People of all ages enjoy the semi-annual street dance in Helen.

People get into the spirit during the semi-annual street dance in Helen.

The Marketplatz in downtown Helen fills with activity during the street dance.

Dancers fill the commons area in the Marketplatz in Helen during the street dance.

Two young festival-goers enjoy the tractor display at Saturday's Lula Fall Festival.

Tractors and other antique farm equipment was on display at the Lula Fall Festival.

Festival-goers dodged rain Saturday morning at the Lula Fall Festival.

Fall crafts for sale in downtown Lula.

Despite clouds and drizzle, folks showed up in downtown Lula for one of the first festivals of the fall season.

Good food is always part of a north Georgia fall festival.

A woodworker demonstrates his craft at the Lula Fall Festival.