
'Open house' begins Fri. for Gainesville schools

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 9:04AM on Saturday 25th July 2015 ( 9 years ago )

GAINESVILLE - "Open house" begins at the schools in the Gainesville City School System (GCSS) next week and continues the following week.  School officials have also released other information regarding the coming school year, which begins August 5.

Open House Schedule

Open House is from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on the following dates:

 August 1 - GMS 6th Grade Family Fun Day & Open House

                   Time:  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Bell Schedule

*Elementary Schools

  Begins:  7:40 a.m.    Dismissal:  2:20 p.m.

*Gainesville Middle School

  Begins:  8:35 a.m.     Dismissal:  3:35 p.m.

*Gainesville High School

  Begins:  8:20 a.m.     Dismissal:  3:20 p.m.

For additional information, click on the following links:

School Supply Lists

Student Registration:  The Registration and International Center is now located at 508 Oak Street and is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  Please call 770-536-5275 for any questions regarding registration.

Please click on the links below for the following documents:

Parent PowerSchool:  Parents can access attendance, grades, and  class schedule information regarding their child(ren) through their PowerSchool account.  For additional information, click Parent PowerSchool.

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