
Hall Co. Fire Marshal: Change your clock, change your batteries

By Staff
Posted 8:48AM on Saturday 7th March 2015 ( 9 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - The Hall County Fire Marshal urges that batteries in smoke detectors be changed this weekend as the time changes to Daylight Saving Time.

Scott Cagle says almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties without working smoke alarms.

For decades, it has been recommended that for those alarms that use a 9-volt battery, the battery be changed at least twice-a-year, in the Spring and Fall when the time changes.

Cagle says you should also check the date that the alarm was installed. Most alarms have a date of manufacture on the back, and if your alarm is more than ten years old, he says it should be replaced with a new one.

Just as important as having a working smoke alarm, Caged added, is to know what to do if the alarm sounds.

"Using a floor plan of your home, indicate two ways out of every room, the location of your smoke alarms, and then designate a meeting place outside. If there are young children or others that need assistance in escaping, plan who will be responsible for assisting those individuals."

Then, he says, practice your plan.

"Make sure that windows will open with ease, and that children understand how to open them if necessary. Stress the importance of taking action when the alarm sounds. There is no time to waste

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