
Oakwood planning board recommends approval of parking restrictions

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 9:59AM on Friday 6th March 2015 ( 9 years ago )
OAKWOOD - The Oakwood Planning Commission Thursday night gave its blessings to a plan to limit the number of vehicles that can be legally parked in front of a house.

The board had tabled the matter a couple of weeks ago until it could study how other communities in the area handle similar situations.

Originally, the plan called for limiting the number of vehicles to four.

But, according to City Manager Stan Brown, the recommendation agreed to Thursday night limits parking to no more than 35 percent of the front yard, with provisions for two more parking spaces in the side yard and back yard. It also prohibits parking on grassy areas, which was in the original proposal, and places restrictions on the parking of commercial or recreational vehicles.

The city council plans a public hearing and initial vote on the proposal at 7:00 Monday night at city hall.


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