
Smithgall Woods 2016 Calendar of Events

By For AccessWDUN
Posted 12:25PM on Wednesday 30th December 2015 ( 9 years ago )
Welcome to Smithgall Woods State Park!  Covering over 5,664 acres, our state park is charged with wise management of the land and educating the public about the environment and conservation issues.  Join us for these events in 2016 and make yourself at home at Smithgall Woods:
Fun with Falconry at Buck Shoals
Saturday, February  6   2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Learn about the art of Falconry with Buster Brown, Founder of Ga Mountain Falconry.  A short presentation will be followed by a live hunt. $40/adult if pre-registered by January 23rd, $45 after. Parking pass included. Age limit 12.  Limit 15.
Survival Preparation & Skills Course at Buck Shoals,  Part I and II
Saturday, February 20    10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 27    10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
This course will consist of a day of classroom instruction and one of outside exercises.  The course will include the psychology, planning, and equipment necessary for survival; venomous snakes, spiders, and insects endemic to Georgia; survival medicine; field expedient weapons and tools; water procurement; edible wild plants; wildlife food; shelter and fire building; and signaling.   Instructor:  Bob Finke, Master Sergeant, USA Special Forces (Retired). For ages 12 and up; under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.  $40 pre-registered by February 13th, $45 after. Parking pass included.
Volunteer Training
Saturday, March 5       10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Optional site tour:        9:00 a.m. –   10:00 a.m.
Make your mark on Smithgall Woods!  Learn more about this special conservation area and what volunteer opportunities are available.  Register by February 27th.
Flies and Fly Water
Saturday, March 19   9:30 a.m. - Noon
In preparation for the upcoming spring fishing season, we will have a “how to” on fly tying, stream reading, casting, and more.  Come at 9:30 to hear a presentation on Stream Entomology (aka stream critters) by a park ranger and stay for the fishing fun! Fishing reservation information available. $10/adult pre-registered by March 5th, $15 after.
Wilderness First Aid
Saturday, April 16  9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is the assessment of and treatment given to an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. Based on the American Heart Assoc. first aid model. Taught by a retired NPS ranger/paramedic. $20/adult if pre-registered by April 9th, $25 after.
Canines for the Cure
Saturday, April 23 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Join Smithgall Woods and Relay for Life for a fun day of fundraising and friend-making. Begin your day with a beautiful 5k race through Smithgall Woods, and stay to enjoy canine-related fun and activities, such as; Puppy Pageant, law enforcement canines, adoptable pets from Smithgall Animal Shelter, and so much more. Bring your furry friend and a picnic lunch for a fun  day of activities aiding cancer research/prevention and canine causes. No registration is required to attend, but registration is required for the 5k and Puppy Pageant. $10 Puppy Pageant registration. $30 5k registration (includes t-shirt). Donations are appreciated!  
GPS Basics
Saturday, April 30    10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Learn to use a hand held GPS unit with Scott Warner, Retired National Park Service Ranger. Classroom and field work will both be used to cover the basic functions of the GPS unit including marking a waypoint and creating a route. GPS units will be available for use. $30/adult if pre-registered by April 23rd, $35 after.
Kids Day at the Park – Imagiplay!
Saturday, May 21 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Bring your kids and their endless imaginations for a fun day of learning and play at Smithgall. There will be outdoor games, arts & crafts, exhibits, and much more. Bring your sack lunch, and stay the day! $10 parking per vehicle.  No registration required.
Youth Fishing Days at Buck Shoals
Third Saturday:  May 28, June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17                              8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
 Children and their special “big person” can fish in a lake stocked with catfish, bass, and bream.  Fish caught can be kept (up to the limit).  Bring your own bait and rod.  No registration required.
Georgia Master Naturalist
Mondays, June 6 – July 25   
9:00 a.m  – 4:00 p.m.
In cooperation with the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry, an eight week training in conservation and wildlife issues relevant to our southern Blue Ridge ecoregion will be offered.  Call our Interpretive Ranger at 706-878-3087 for more info.  Register by May 23rd.  $200 for the series and certification.  An annual pass or daily park passes for each class are required. Limit 12.
The Science of Nature
Monday – Friday, June 20-24    
9:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m.
Campers ages 12-18 learn about the major divisions of science through the help of nature.  Each day will be devoted to a different branch: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Ecology, & Geology. Limit 12.  $70/student or $75 if paid after June 13. Includes materials & parking fee.
All About BUGS Camp
Monday – Friday, July 11-15  
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Bugs are cool!  Youngsters learn about different kinds of bugs and have a chance to explore the world of bugs through observation, food, song, and movement.  For kids ages 4-6.  $45 per child or $50 after July 2nd.  Includes snack & parking fee. Limit 10.
Eco-Kids Camp:  
Caring for the Winged Ones
Monday – Friday, July 25-29                  9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Eco-Kids learn ways to support winged creatures in this active, hands-on camp.  Kids will build their own bat house and bluebird house to take home.  Campers will be in age-based teams in order to maximize learning potential.  For ages 6-14.  $100 or $95 if registered by July 16. Includes all materials, snacks, & parking fee.  Limit 12
Gold Fever
Saturday, August 20 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Smithgall Shindig
Saturday, October 15
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Bring the whole family for some fall fun! Bluegrass music, hayrides, games, craft vendors, canine costume contest, haunted hikes, and so much more!  No registration required.  $5 per person.  Activity ticket purchases may apply.
Basic Land Navigation Course at Buck Shoals
Saturday, October 29   10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Learn basic land navigation to include an explanation of the compass and how it works, true north vs. magnetic north, terrain features and contour lines, application of the compass to the map and map to the compass, and pacing will all be covered.  Basic principles will be covered in-doors and followed by field exercises outside.  Liquid filled compasses will be supplied, or you may use your personal compass.  $40 or $35 (for basic & advanced) if registered by October 22. Limit 16. Includes parking fee.
Advanced Land Navigation at Buck Shoals 
Saturday, November 5   10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
This six-hour course will start with a one hour refresher on the use of the compass and maps, and the establishment of individual pace count over a 100 meter course.  Students, operating in teams of two, for safety, will be issued azimuths, which will be used to determine a specific location and then return to the start point.  Students will operate in heavily wooded, flat to hilly terrain, so students should be physically fit to complete the course. Participants must be able to hike up-hill in a wooded area for up to two hours.  Limit 16.  $20 or $25 if registered by October 29. Includes parking fee.
 GPS – Advanced
Saturday, December 3  10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Students will learn how to load maps and waypoints, create tracks and routes, and trip planning using the GPS. Performing area calculations using tracks. Projecting waypoints. Interfacing Google Earth and your GPS unit. Using the electronic compass and altimeter. This class is for all GPS users wanting to integrate interactive mapping software to improve their trip planning. GPS receivers will be available for participants' use or bring your own unit. This class will NOT cover the basics of GPS use . Students are expected to be familiar with basic operations, including plotting, finding waypoints, and an understanding of the use of latitude and longitude numbers. $30/adult if pre-registered by November 26th, $35 after.
There is a daily parking fee of $5 for all classes, unless otherwise specified.  
To learn more about Smithgall Woods, go to, find us on Facebook, or call the Visitor’s Center at (706) 878-3087.
To sign up for a monthly notice of these and additional park programs, go to: friends-corner/newsletter

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