
Gainesville to replace street light bulbs with LEDs

Posted 10:42AM on Monday 14th December 2015 ( 9 years ago )

GAINESVILLE—A three-month project is set to begin in Gainesville to change street lights from high-pressure sodium bulbs to new, energy efficient LED bulbs.

According to a press release from Catiel Felts, Communications and Tourism Director for Gainesville, approximately 1,800 lights will be replaced through March 2016.

“The LEDs provide a broad spectrum of white light making it easier for us to see street signs and pedestrians which is better for safety. The LED lighting is directed to stay more on roadways and is spread more evenly providing a better quality of lighting. And, the LEDs use less energy to produce the same amount of light and deliver a significantly longer lifespan,” said Nick Burnett, Gainesville Traffic Operations Superintendent.

Felts said the majority of the work will take place along commercial corridors, and won't include any neighborhoods or subdivisions.

The conversion is funded by Georgia Power.

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