
Plans for Spout Springs Rd. subdivision on hold for at least a month

By B.J. Williams
Posted 9:55AM on Tuesday 8th December 2015 ( 9 years ago )

GAINESVILLE — A proposed subdivision in south Hall County has been put on hold per a decision by the Hall County Planning Commission Monday night.

After listening to concerns from residents who live on Looper Lake Road, which backs up to the property in question, Planning Commission Chairman Don Smallwood told developer Chad Swaim the plan for the 159-lot subdivision on Spout Springs Road needs more work.

One of Smallwood's concerns was access to the neighborhood for emergency vehicles, since the plans presented by Century Communications, LLC showed only one entrance to the proposed neighborhood.

Flowery Branch resident Vickie Bentley, a frequent attendee at planning commission meetings, told commissioners she was concerned about the high density of the plan - 159 lots on just over 53 acres. She said she didn't live in the area, but she had family who lived there.

"Usually even with smaller subdivisions, often a developer will provide some sketches or drawings of what they want to build, and I don't see any of this in the package. I don't see that anything has been presented," said Bentley.
Smallwood also advised Swaim to meet with the neighbors to discuss their concerns, since a meeting had not taken place prior to the rezoning request.
The three planning commission members at the meeting - Smallwood, Bo Brooks and Chris Braswell - voted unanimously to table the proposal until their January 19th meeting.
Cool Springs Rd. subdivision moves forward
Planning commission members voted unanimously Monday to advance a proposal for a 99-lot subdivision in northwest Hall County on Cool Springs Road adjacent to Marina Bay. The property to be rezoned totals just over 48 acres. The developer for the property is Cool Springs LLC, the same developer that created Marina Bay. The homes in the new subdivision would be smaller than those in the Marina Bay development.

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