BRASELTON - Friends of the Braselton-West Jackson Library honored a longtime volunteer,Gail Zeeb, as its outstanding volunteer of the year at its annual meeting.
“Gail worked tirelessly for over nine years to ensure the success of Friends and to sustain our store and book sales. So much so that we cheerfully chose this inscription on the
plaque we presented – “When it comes to being dedicated, you wrote the book,” says Marilyn Deal of Friends.
Friends also named Peggy Booher as its AFTERWORDS store manager. A Braselton resident for twelve years, she is a retired teacher and nurse. Booher is active in the Chateau Elan Village
book club, its Bible Study and the BULLI program.
Deal added, “Peggy recognizes the high standard of dedication and service set by Gail and hopes to continue the promise of the store with the help of all volunteers who make the
enterprise thrive.” The AFTERWORDS store, featuring books, videos, CDs and gifts, is located inside the Braselton Library.