
NGPG doctors help at local middle school with museum exhibit

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 5:33PM on Wednesday 7th October 2015 ( 9 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - Dr. Sujata Gill and Dr. James Chambers, with Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG) Surgical Associates, thrilled a group of potential future surgeons when they delivered surgical supplies and equipment to students at Hall County’s Da Vinci Academy (DVA)..  
The students are working on an exhibit for DVA’s Museum of Inspired Learning.
“When I was asked to come and talk to the students I was just excited to help the kids,” Dr. Gill explains. “Little did I know how much I would learn from the visit.  I am so glad to see this incredible school and realize it exists in Hall County, where I am raising my children.”
Dr. Gill and Dr. Chambers arrived with surgical kits, equipment and advice about how to engage the hundreds of Hall County students who will take field trips to the museum.  The doctors showed the kids how to drape a patient, talked about all the tools they donated to the display and gave ideas on how the students could give a more interactive and realistic surgical experience for museum visitors.
“This is so cool,” exclaimed seventh-grader Carson Whitt.
The upcoming exhibit focuses on the human body,which is being brought to life by a boxing ring that sends messages to the brain, a colon you can travel through, displays about the skeletal system, the mouth and more.  Students Caroline Odell, Callie Kirby and Carson Whitt-who all aspire to be doctors one day- chose to take museum visitors on a tour of an operating room and explore the inside of the human body.
Every semester, DVA students break into small groups to create and curate their own exhibits, generating many displays exploring one central theme.  Once the displays are complete, local elementary schools bring hundreds of children through the museum to learn from the middle school docents.   The DVA students get to explain and share all they have learned by putting each display together.  
“Our museum is an amazing place,” says DVA Museum Director, Cindy White.  “We have a permanent display filled with many treasures, even a dinosaur skeleton, but what really makes the museum so special are the rotating exhibits the students design.” 
“NGPG Surgical Associates is proud to be the sponsor of such an amazing exhibit and provide tools for the children to better understand the human body, surgery and the operating room,” Dr. Chambers added.  
The DVA Human Body exhibit will be open to the public October 15 from 4:00-6:00 at 3215 Poplar Springs Road.
NGPG Surgical Associates is an affiliate of Northeast Georgia Health System (  Learn more about the practice at

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