
Gainesville featured in Where to Retire magazine

By Staff
Posted 8:51AM on Wednesday 10th December 2014 ( 10 years ago )
HOUSTON, Tex. - Gainesville has been selected as a top retirement destination by Where to Retire, a national magazine geared toward helping people with retirement relocation decisions. It is profiled in the January/February 2015 issue, which will be available nationwide on Dec. 16.<br /> <br /> Where to Retire Editor Annette Fuller said Gainesville possesses qualities important to today's retirees.<br /> <br /> "Gainesville is close, but yet so far, from bustling Atlanta," Fuller said. "The city is known for Lake Lanier with its 540 miles of shoreline. All the retirees we interviewed said that people (in Gainesville) are extraordinarily friendly...and welcoming to newcomers. The reinvigorated town square is clean and neat, showing proof of local pride."<br /> <br /> Each year, 700,000 Americans relocate to new towns to retire. Generally, relocating retirees are healthier, better educated and more affluent than those who choose to not relocate. Studies show they bring significant economic benefits to their new states and hometowns. Nationally, two dozen states and hundreds of towns seek to attract retirees as a source of economic development.

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