
Spare me, please

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 5:58PM on Thursday 23rd January 2014 ( 11 years ago )
As a new year gets underway, a number of things come to mind that I could totally do without hearing, seeing or reading about over the next 11 1/2 months and, for that matter, beyond.<br /> <br /> In no particular order they include:<br /> <br /> <br /> Reporters/program hosts who feel the need to go public with their health problems/illnesses to the point where their own networks/stations/newspapers build stories around them.<br /> <br /> Participatory journalism, where the reporter becomes part of the story he or she is covering.<br /> <br /> "Tell all" books<br /> <br /> Dennis Rodman<br /> <br /> Miley Cyrus<br /> <br /> Justin Bieber<br /> <br /> Use of replays to decide anything in any sporting event.<br /> <br /> Hypocrisy, especially political<br /> <br /> All door-to-door solicitations, whatever the cause or sales pitch - not that we always answer the door.<br /> <br /> All robo calls, especially those that begin with "The FBI..." and "Attention Senior Citizens..." - not that we always answer the phone.<br /> <br /> "Duck Dynasty" and anyone associated with it.<br /> <br /> All TV "reality" shows<br /> <br /> New Year's resolutions<br /> <br /> Any additional college football bowl games<br /> <br /> Any more Peyton Manning TV commercials<br /> <br /> ABC's Good Morning America, ABC Evening News<br /> <br /> Another football season like the ones Georgia and the Falcons just had<br /> <br /> Another post-season like the one the Braves just had<br /> <br /> Conservative, progressive, and liberal when used in a political context<br /> <br /> <br /> So, there you go. But I'm not holding my breath on any of them. <br /> <br /> What I would't mind hearing at the end of the year is that we all had a, cue the cliche', safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year!<br /> <br /> (Ken Stanford is the retired longtime news director for WDUN-AM, WDUN-FM, 1240 ESPN Radio and<br />

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