
Spare me, please

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
Posted 1:02PM on Thursday 23rd January 2014 ( 11 years ago )
As a new year gets underway, a number of things come to mind that I could totally do without hearing, seeing or reading about over the next 11 1/2 months and, for that matter, beyond.<br /> <br /> In no particular order they include:<br /> <br /> <br /> Reporters/program hosts who feel the need to go public with their health problems/illnesses to the point where their own networks/stations/newspapers build stories around them.<br /> <br /> Participatory journalism, where the reporter becomes part of the story he or she is covering.<br /> <br /> "Tell all" books, especially by the likes of Bernard Goldberg (former longtime CBS reporter) and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. If things were as bad as they say they were where they worked, why didn't they just quit?<br /> <br /> Dennis Rodman<br /> <br /> Miley Cyrus<br /> <br /> Justin Bieber<br /> <br /> Use of replays to decide anything in any sporting event.<br /> <br /> Hypocrisy, especially political<br /> <br /> All door-to-door solicitations, whatever the cause or sales pitch - not that we always answer the door.<br /> <br /> All robo calls, especially those that begin with "The FBI..." and "Attention Senior Citizens..." - not that we always answer the phone.<br /> <br /> "Duck Dynasty" and anyone associated with it.<br /> <br /> All TV "reality" shows<br /> <br /> New Year's resolutions<br /> <br /> Any additional college football bowl games<br /> <br /> Any more Peyton Manning TV commercials<br /> <br /> ABC's Good Morning America, ABC Evening News<br /> <br /> Another football season like the ones Georgia and the Falcons just had<br /> <br /> Another post-season like the one the Braves just had<br /> <br /> <br /> So, there you go. But I'm not holding my breath on any of them. <br /> <br /> What I would't mind hearing is that we all have a, cue the cliche', safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year!<br /> <br /> (Ken Stanford is the retired longtime news director for WDUN-AM, WDUN-FM, 1240 ESPN Radio and<br /> <br /> <br />

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