
Lumpkin Co. receives GDOT grant for 'welcome' signs

By Staff
Posted 10:50AM on Thursday 23rd January 2014 ( 11 years ago )
DAHLONEGA - Lumpkin County has received two Transportation Enhancement (TE) grants from the Georgia Department of Transportation which will be used to construct welcome signage at the intersection of State Route 400 and State Route 60.

The signage is part of an overall branding initiative aimed at drawing visitors and businesses to Lumpkin County.

The first grant will provide $40,000 in federal funds and requires $10,000 in local matching funds; the second will provide $65,000 in federal funds and requires $16,250 in local matching funds.

It is the County's intent to utilize "in-kind" services, such as engineering and labor, versus a cash contribution to satisfy the grant's matching requirements.

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